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Your body is always aging and always healing...

Are you aging faster than you are healing?

Experience a transformation in your health through Accelerated Self Healing™

Transformational Self Healing™

Telemedicine is rapidly becoming the emerging standard in the global health field... ​

Our services are focused around supporting you, our clients, around the world, as you go about your daily mission, in the healing sanctuary of your own home or office...

We know that being in your own familiar space is the best place to heal...

And by guiding you in how to make that space a better healing environment for you, 

And in how to implement the unique Energetically Correct strategies we devise for you...

Together, we can truly make that familiar environment into your Healing Oasis...

Healing Oasis offers a full range of services to meet your wellness needs of:

  • Educating and edutaining the public through mixed media about our new health paradigm: The Clinical Theory of Everything (including the 5 Phases of Health)...

  •Directly serving select Individuals & Families...

 • Training and serving Caregivers, Healers and Coaches...

 • Supporting Health Practitioners & Wellness Consultants...

 • Formulating and developing innovative health products and technologies with Manufacturers and Suppliers...

 • Consulting with businesses dedicated to creating a corporate wellness culture, and those promoting optimum executive and employee health and performance...

 • Wellness Consulting with Government and NGO Agencies...

We are here to serve you...

Our mission is to work with you to help you make your world a better place...

For you...

For the people around you the you care about and care for...

For the future... Our future!

Our Philosophy:

Your unique needs matter to us!

And we recognize, through our decades of work with Accelerated Self-Healing, that those needs will change...

Especially as we are successful over the coming months in achieving your wellness goals...

Our fundamental philosophy is to adapt each program to the needs of the individual or group we serve...

Apply now for a free initial consultation...


Accelerate Your Self-Healing...

All healing is self-healing...

Living systems are self-organizing and self-governing...

You are always healing...

But, you are also dealing with stresses, both new and old...

What you need is for your innate healing processes to move faster than the accumulation of damage that ultimately leads toward disease, disability and death...

At the most basic level, that means identifying and addressing the two types of factors that get in the way of your healing processes:

  • Too much of what you don't need, like key stresses and toxins...

  • Not enough of what you do need, like key stimuli and nutrients...

That sounds simple enough...

In principle, at least...

If you just knew what to avoid and what to add you would be able to apply your efforts in the right direction to begin experiencing positive change over time...

Instead of the downhill slide of degenerative changes we have come to associate with aging...

That's where consulting is crucial...

You see, it is commonly estimated that we have about 40 bits per second of information available to our conscious thoughts...

Estimates of the amount of information processed by the subconscious range from 10,000 to a million times that of our consciousness... 

And cellular information processing is estimated at 400 billion bits per second...

Consider that each of your 90 trillion cells is carrying out millions? of reactions every second, all of which is also regulated via epigenetic information, including the coherent laser-like photons that signal directly between each cell and neighboring cells up to thousands of cell layers away...

Consider that your heart sends more information to your brain than vice versa, and that this information includes warning signals from your immediate future... 

This demonstrates that even the time-transcending qualities of your spirit are intimately involved in navigating life's challenges...

Obviously we are dealing with a super complex and highly adaptive information processing system when we consider your entire body-mind-spirit complex...

To think that our own 40 bits of left brain cognition can figure out how to optimize that greater system is a common error...

Even if I combine my own 40 bits with another 40 bits supplied by my doctor, we are still likely to miss nearly all of the key factors, most of which operate on levels like biophysics, biochemistry, cellular metabolism, and mutually integrated biocommunication systems like the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system...

We have developed our unique healing system for over 34 years since I began practicing in both New York and Tokyo, bringing together the ageless medical wisdom of the East with the scientific innovations of the West to tap into those vast and varied biocommunication process...

What you need is the best real time information you can get about what signals your inner intelligence is responding to and what healing signals support a state of ultra-efficient coherence...

That is the purpose of our consulting services...

And our coaching programs support you in understanding and implementing that key information.

The Big Picture... 

Imagine your body as a house...

It really is the house your mind and spirit live in, after all...

Before you can even think of rebuiding or restoring, a house, the first thing you will need a budget, right?

That would be analagous to having energy available on the biological level, and the will to apply it on the level of your mind and spirit...

Restoring your biological energy budget is the central theme of Phase 1 in our 5 Phases of Healing model, which is founded in the science of biophysics...

Take your brain, for example, which is about 2% of your body weight, but can use about 25% of your Oxygen to have enough energy to function right...

The retina of your eyes, which is embryologically part of your brain, is actually the highest Oxygen demanding tissue in your whole body...

And 2/3 of all the electrical nerve current energy entering the entire brain comes from those two retinas...

That current also carries critical information for our dominant sense of vision...

About 10 million bits of data per second in each optic nerve...

Compare this to other basic senses to get a sense of the significance:

  • Touch: 1 million bits per second...

  • Hearing: 100 thousand bits per second...

  • Smell: 100 thousand bits per second...

  • Taste: 1 thousand bits per second...

So, just as it is hard to live your life without vision, your body cannot heal efficiently without the right information either...

Picture the energetic information field of your body as your access to the blueprints for restoring perfect health...

From the centuries old observation of inheritable miasms to the recent science of epigenetics, restoring your access to the information blueprints for optimal health and function is a key step in your return to health...

This is akin to Phase 2 Rejuvenation in our 5 Phases model...

Even patterns that are known to be 100% genetic, like the blinding eye condition Retinitis Pigmentosa, for example, can change their symptomatic expression as the epigenetic information field of your cells is restored...

Once you have a budget and access to the blueprints for the project at hand, you will need to the right materials for the job as well...

This is like Phase 3: Regeneration, where new cells are made to replace old ones that have been lost...

And to put those materials in place, you need to clear the space where they go...

That represents Phase 4: Cleansing, in which you clear out more space in the extracellular connective tissue matrix which is the 'yard' surrounding every cell...

Finally, you need the skilled labor, even if you are the owner/builder yourself...

Applying the time, meaning both the attention and the energy it takes to get the job done is like Phase 5: Balancing, where your healing energy is focused on the process of living life, whatever the mix of demands of the day are related to work, finance and relationships...

Your health at all of these levels is always a significant foundation on which your ability to cope and succeed in life is grounded...

We look forward to being on your team for a successful journey.

Today, I would say that my chronic pain has reduced 90%...

It's approximately 6 months that I've been on the treatment, and it's just unbelievable...


Learn More

We're really seeing some encouraging results with actual healing of tissue...

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.